Please note Microsoft Windows Vista is not supported at this time.
It is recommended that a machine hosting both the Cisco Unified Application Server and Cisco Unified Media Engine have at least 1.5 GB of RAM.
Read the following if you intend to install on a laptop and/or AMD-based computer:
The Cisco Unified Media Engine is not supported on AMD processors. An Intel processor is required to run the Cisco UME properly. Additionally, some laptops with Intel processors are not compatible with the Cisco Unified Media Engine due to incompatible APIC timer hardware. However, the Cisco Unified Application Server can be installed on either of these two types of hardware and still perform Call Control and Media Control operations if it has a remote Cisco Unified Media Engine installed elsewhere on an Intel-based, desktop-class or server-class machine. Presumably it is ideal for most developers to have the application server co-located with one’s development environment, especially when building plugins involving custom .NET assemblies. For instance, it is much easier to attach the Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 debugger to a local process than a remote one. If attempting this dual-installation approach, skip installing Dialogic HMP and also skip the Cisco Unified Media Engine installer as described in the CUAE SDK Installation guide when installing on the machine designated as the application server.
The point of explaining this dual-installation workaround is to not exclude the option of installing both application server and media engine on a computer other than that of one’s development machine. We provide this alternate approach based on the presumption that a remote Cisco Unified Application Environment installation is less conducive to rapid development and not as ideal to some developers.
This section is organized into two subsections: a download section and an installation section. The downloads section provides links or short instructions on how to obtain necessary 3rd-party software needed by the Cisco Unified Application Environment. The installation section details the sequential steps that should be taken to install the downloaded software. Once all 3rd-party software has been installed (in other words, once you have reached the end of this document), one can then proceed to installing the Cisco Unified Application Environment software.
The following software packages must be downloaded and installed before the Cisco Unified Application Environment installers can be applied to your development machine. The next section, Installation of 3rd-Party Packages, details how to install each of these packages.
Note: The only tested operating systems for the SDK version of the Cisco Unified Application Environment are Windows 2003 Standard Edition SP1 and Windows XP Professional SP2.
Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 Redistributable Package
Microsoft .NET Web Services Enhancements 2.0 SP3 Redistributable Runtime ONLY APPLICABLE FOR CUAE 2.4.1
Windows installers for the WSE 2.0 SP3 Redistributable Runtime can be found at the Microsoft Download Center. Search for Web Services Enhancements Redistributable 2.0 SP3.
WSE 3.0 will not satifisy this software requirement; WSE 2.0 must be installed. WSE 2.0 and WSE 3.0 can be installed co-located with one another with no issue.
The Cisco Unified Application Designer installs WSE 2.0 libraries, so if you are attempting to install the Designer and Application Environment on the same machine, and have already installed the designer, there is no reason to install WSE 2.0 again.
Microsoft .NET Web Services Enhancements 3.0 Redistributable Runtime ONLY APPLICABLE FOR CUAE 2.4.2 AND CUAE 2.4.3
Windows installers for the WSE 3.0 Redistributable Runtime can be found at the Microsoft Download Center. Search for Web Services Enhancements Redistributable 3.0.
WSE 2.0 and WSE 3.0 can be installed co-located with one another with no issue.
The Cisco Unified Application Designer installs WSE 3.0 libraries, so if you are attempting to install the Designer and Application Environment on the same machine, and have already installed the designer, there is no reason to install WSE 3.0 again.
Apache 1.3.x
Windows binaries for Apache 1.3 can be found at the Apache Win32 Archives page.
The latest version of Apache tested against the Cisco Unified Application Environment SDK is Apache 1.3.37 (apache_1.3.37-win32-x86-no_src.msi), although we do not anticipate issues with subsequent releases.
Apache 2.0 is not compatible with the Cisco Unified Application Environment at this time.
J2SE JDK 5.0
Windows installers for the JDK 5.0 (also known as 1.5) can be found at the Previous JDK 5 Downloads page. There are multiple installers available for the JDK, such as the one bundled with NetBeans and another with Java EE. You only need the JDK 5.0 Update ## installer, which is a more trim package.
The latest version of the JDK tested against the Cisco Unified Application Environment SDK is JDK 5.0 Update 11 (JDK-1_5_0_11-windows-i586-p.exe), although we do not anticipate issues with subsequent releases of the 5.0 release of the J2SE JDK.
It is not sufficient to install the JRE; the JDK must be installed.
We do not recommend installing version 6.0 (1.6) at this time.
MySQL ODBC Connector 3.51
Windows binaries for MySQL Connector/ODBC 3.51 can be found at the MySQL ODBC Downloads page. If unfamiliar with the MySQL ODBC connector, we recommend you download the MSI package, because the SDK instructions only cover this particular install method of the MySQL ODBC connector.
The latest version of the MySQL ODBC driver tested against the Cisco Unified Application Environment SDK is 3.51.15 (mysql-connector-odbc-3.51.15-win32.msi). Some newer versions may not work correctly.
Windows binaries for MySQL 5.0 can be found at the MySQL Downloads page. If unfamiliar with MySQL, we recommend you download the Windows (x86) ZIP/Setup.EXE file, because the SDK instructions only cover this particular install method of MySQL.
The latest version of MySQL tested against the Cisco Unified Application Environment SDK is MySQL 5.0.41 (mysql-5.0.41-win32), although we do not anticipate issues with subsequent releases.
Windows binaries for PHP can be found at the PHP Downloads page.
The latest version of PHP tested against the Cisco Unified Application Environment SDK is PHP 5.2.2 (php-5.2.2-win32-installer.msi), although we do not anticipate issues with subsequent releases.
Dialogic HMP 3.0
Windows installers for Dialogic HMP can be found at Dialogic HMP Software for Windows.
The latest version of HMP tested against the Cisco Unified Application Environment SDK is HMP 3.0 SU182 ( It is not recommended you use later versions of HMP SU182. Note that the Cisco Unified Application Environment 2.4.X is shipped to paying customers with HMP 3.0 SU128, but it is no longer publically available.
HMP is incompatible with a significant number of laptops, resulting in very poor audio when using Media Control API operations in the Cisco Unified Application Environment. However, it must still be installed regardless of the target system’s hardware, even if you choose not to install the Cisco Unified Media Engine.
NeoSpeech TTS 3.7
Windows Installer 3.1
You may have to install Windows Installer 3.1 to run MSI packages if your server is a fresh Windows installation. You can check by navigating to Add/Remove Programs and looking for ‘Windows Installer 3.1’.
If you do not already have it installed, the installer for Windows Installer 3.1 can be found at Microsoft Download Center. Search for msi redistributable.
These steps should be executed in the order shown below.
Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 Redistributable Package
Run dotnetfx3setup.exe and accept all defaults.
The .NET 3.0 installer will install .NET 2.0 if not already present. .NET 2.0 is required for the execution of the Cisco Unified Application Environment.
Microsoft .NET Web Services Enhancements 2.0 SP3 Redistributable Runtime
Run the WSE installer and accept all defaults.
If you have already installed the Cisco Unified Application Designer, you can skip this step.
Apache 1.3.x
Check that nothing is running on port 80, such as IIS. If there is something using port 80, stop the offending program before contining on to the next step.
Run the Apache installer and accept all defaults.
J2SE JDK 5.0
MySQL ODBC Connector 3.51
Run the MySQL installer and accept all defaults until you reach the MySQL Server Configuration section. As you proceed through this section, make these following selections:
Note: If a mistake is made on any of these steps, use the PHP installer to uninstall, and start over.
Select the Apache 1.3.x Module.
Specify the Apache Configuration Directory, which by default is: C:\Program Files\Apache Group\Apache\conf
Under the “Choose Items to Install”:
Under Program Menu, select CLI Executable and Script Executable
Under Extensions menu, select:
Under Extras menu, select PEAR.
Execute C:\Program Files\PHP\go-pear.bat
and select following options:
Run the registry file created by the end of the go-pear.bat installer, as suggested
Run at the command line in pear install --alldeps <package_name>
until all of the following packages are installed. Please note that the –alldeps option will install any dependent packages (for example, it will automatically download and install Net_URL and Net_Socket as these are required for the HTTP_Request package). Re-issue the pear install --alldeps <package_name>
command until all packages below are installed.
Note: Some packages may fail to install, but the error should give an indication as to what the remedy is. For instance, if one runs pear install --alldeps Net_DIME
, the error will indicate that Net_Dime-0.3 should be used instead. Net_Soap may also give a similiar error; the same resolution is necessary.
Note: Another error that may potentially occur involves Net_SMTP. If an error that states ‘pear/Net_SMTP is already installed and is newer than detected release version 1.’ occurs, then run:
Note: At anytime, executing the command pear list
will show the list of installed packages, which should ultimately correspond to the following list:
Double-check that the C:\Program Files\PHP\php.ini
file has the session.save_path
set to the path of an existing folder. If not, a valid remedy is to create a folder as a subdirectory of C:\Program Files\PHP
called sessiondata
, and then set the session.save_path
to that path.
Comment out the line starting with PHPIniDir in the httpd.conf file, which by default is located at C:\Program Files\Apache Group\Apache\conf\httpd.conf
Create a system variable called PHPRC which contains the install path to PHP (by default, this value is C:\Program Files\PHP
). Note that for this system variable to take effect, a restart of the machine is required. However, the next step, Dialogic HMP 3.0, requires its own reboot, so if you are following these steps exactly as described, you do not need to reboot your machine at this point in time; just carry on to the next step.
Please verify that this environment variable is set on the system level. If it is only set at the user level it will not work.
Dialogic HMP 3.0
Run the HMP installer and accept all defaults, choosing the top 4 installation checkboxes when prompted with which individual components to install.
HMP is incompatible with a significant number of laptops, resulting in very poor audio when using Media Control API operations in the Cisco Unified Application Environment. However, it must still be installed regardless of the target system’s hardware, even if you choose not to install the Cisco Unified Media Engine.
NeoSpeech TTS 3.7
Run the VoiceText Kate Master installer and accept all defaults.
Run the Neospeech TTS Server installer and accept all defaults.
Edit the TTS configuration file at C:\ttssrv.ini
. Change the NfsDir path to match the path of the Cisco Unified Media Engine, which by default is C:/Program Files/Cisco Systems/Unified Application Environment/MediaServer
Verify that the following two lines are present:
KateSelect 1 ; Kate DB Select
YumiSelect 0 ; Yumi DB Select
Environment Variables
Add the JDK to the path. Using JDK 5.0 Update 11 as an example, append ;C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.5.0_11\jre\bin
Add MySQL to the PATH environment variable. By default, append ;C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.0\bin
Restart your machine.
You are done. You may proceed to installing the Cisco Unified Application Environment software.